Saturday, August 8, 2015

Uh Oh...

Hi there!

It has officially been more than 1 week since I've run! Aaaaggggghhhhhh!  I went to 6 Flags last Saturday with the youth at our church.  Sunday morning I woke up at 4, drove to Disney and ended the afternoon at Animal Kingdom.  I was so exhausted as we were leaving, I thought I was going to die.  I went immediately to sleep.  Needless to say, I did NOT wake early the next morning to go run. I actually ended up sleeping 14 hours.  Yes, you read that correctly- 14 hours! I know because my fitbit told me. 
So, my plans to keep running on vacation were foiled.  boo!  I walked more than 31 miles last week, but  I ran 0 miles. At least I walked, right?
So- tomorrow I ABSOLUTELY have to get up and go running.  I am a nervous to run after such a long break.  I also found out today, I'm not supposed to wear any ear buds while running in that 10k! Oh yeah, did I mention that was in 2 WEEKS??? I haven't even run a 5k yet! I'm so dead!
Speaking of earbuds- I need a really good running mix.  Any thoughts? I obviously like faster songs to keep my pace up & my brain thinking positively. 
I guess that's all for now since I don't have anything to report...
Til next time...

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